Friday, April 12, 2013

Holistic Healing: Tai Chi, Stress and Weight Loss - Health Me Up

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Holistic Healing: Tai Chi, Stress and Weight Loss



Tai Chi is being used with increasing frequency by the Western medical establishment in several different therapeutic settings, from physical and occupational therapy and is becoming more and more prevalent at community centers and private gyms. Tai Chi is similar to Hatha Yoga in that they are both composed of a series of slow, deliberately focused movements and postures. A standard Tai Chi series is longer than a Yoga series however, with its basic Short Form consisting of 37 different movements and some series having well over 100 movements (Yang Long Form for instance has 108 movements), and the intention is different. The practice is now widely available and can even be studied on DVD and the internet.


The final goal of Yoga is to disconnect with the material by focusing inward. Tai Chi on the other hand intends to connect the body and the mind by using the same focus and both of these programs are also being used to treat depression, anxiety, stress, addiction and weight gain and numerous scientific studies support their effectiveness. The following examples use basic Tai Chi principles that promote stress relief:


Tai Chi Pouring:


  1. Feet flat on the floor and parallel, pointed forward, shoulder weight apart.
  2. Slowly pour your weight on your right side, ?filling? it, and ?emptying? the left leg.
  3. Slowly pour your weight back to the center, keeping your focused intent on your midsection.
  4. Shift now to the left leg, filling it, emptying the right leg.
  5. Repeat this exercise for two to three minutes


Arm Circles:


  1. Sit erect in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, back straight but not tense.
  2. Slowly raise your arms to the front, elbows slightly bent, wrists and fingers relaxed.
  3. Circle the wrists outward six time.
  4. Follow this by circling the forearms slowly six times, following with the upper arms and finally shoulders.
  5. Repeat for two minutes


Leg Cycling:


  1. Again, sit in a chair, back straight and relaxes, feet flat on the floor.
  2. Raise the right leg with knee bent and circle the lower leg in a clockwise direction six times, repeating in a counterclockwise direction.
  3. Repeat with left leg.


The above three simple exercises can be done almost anywhere and will literally allow you to drain stress from your body, beginning at the top and working down. When the stress leaves your body it can begin to heal itself by using all of its resources in the most efficient manner.


Stress, even mild stress that does not cause depression, limits the body?s ability to sense problems and heal itself effectively. According to the Mayo Clinic, a US medical research group, more than 2.5 million Americans are reporting decreased stress and anxiety, increased energy, stamina and flexibility, muscle strength and definition and balance. There is also evidence that Tai Chi improves immune response, sleeping patterns, lowers cholesterol levels, relieves joint pain and, in older adults, reduces the risk of falls. The University of Queensland conducted a study of the effectiveness of using Tai Chi to combat stress and depression, as did Sydney University that was published in the European Respiratory Journal that demonstrates the effectiveness of Tai Chi in fighting stress and improving general health.


Stress, even moderate stress, is one of the main causes of weight gain. The other primary cause is traumatic injury. When many people begin to feel stressed they seek to sooth themselves with food, especially sugars because of the brains release of endorphins that gives us a burst of happiness. We unconsciously use this endorphin reaction to balance the stress reaction, which is caused by an entirely different type of brain chemical, like adrenalin, which is produced in small amounts during stress, increasing as the stress level increase. Tai Chi reduces the stress levels by rechanneling energies, focusing the attention on the body instead of external events and quieting the mind. This promotes the natural release of endorphins and eliminates the need for food or addictive behaviors.


Stress and physical limitations can also cause a sedentary life-style that allows the body to deteriorate over time. When a body part is injured it must be rebuilt but many western therapies, because of their resistance/impact paradigms are difficult for many to get started with. ?No pain, no gain? sounds all macho but playing through the pain is not as easy as it sounds. Tai Chi practice allows us to make the same improvements with no painful impacts or muscle stress and at the same time rebalance our body?s energy pathways, unblocking areas damaged by the injury and promoting healing. Once the initial healing process has begun the student can add other exercises to help improve specific areas and muscle groups.


Related Article: Tai Chi for A Fitter You


Author Bio: Dan Kleiman teaches Tai Chi and qigong to adults looking to slow down, relax, and improve their health. Try more of these practices through Dan's free email-based course and you will have more energy in the next 30 days than you?ve had in the last year.




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